Initiatives in Production Activities
Each of our three domestic plants consumes more than 3,000 kL of crude oil equivalent per year.Thus, each of the three plants was designated as a Specified Business Operator based on the Act on the Rational Use of Energy (“the Energy Saving Act”), and is required to improve both specific energy consumption and standardized specific electricity demand at least 1% per year.
In response, we are moving forward with energy-saving activities such as efficiently operating production facilities and boilers, switching to high-efficiency and LED lighting, and purchasing eco-cars to replace our fleet of conventional cars.
Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions

Initiatives in Distribution
In terms of our transportation of products and other items, Okamoto’s annual transportation volume exceeds 30 million ton-kilometers.Thus, we were designated as a Specified Shipper based on the Energy Saving Act, and once per year submit reports that include our plans to reduce specific energy consumption by an average of at least 1% per year, and our performance toward that end, to the Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry.
We are attempting to improve transportation efficiency through such efforts as changing modes of transportation and promoting a modal shift, and are working to reduce energy consumption in an effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions generated by transportation.
Transport Volume and CO2 Emissions