Our mission is to achieve expanding a sustainable society with trust under our slogan “Science Delivers Better Living” as a rubber and plastic manufacturer.
Okamoto Industries, Inc. was established in 1934 as a manufacturer of latex condoms, rubber boots, and rubberized cloth. Since then, as a “comprehensive rubber and plastic manufacturer”, in addition to rubber products such as condoms and rubber gloves, we have also developed wide range of consumer products such as adhesive tapes, shoes, dehumidifiers, heating pads and enema. And further, we have also developed the products for industrial market such as plastic films, agricultural films, wallpaper and automobile interiors.
Since the early days of our first establishment and as a manufacturer with the belief that “Science Delivers Better Living”, we will continue to pursue the development of materials, production technologies, and quality improvement.
We are working on energy savings, active investments in renewable energy, development of environmentally friendly products and reduction of waste or reuse for products. We will continue pursue our role in society for using precious resources efficiently.
Okamoto will conform to legal compliance and respect for human rights throughout the supply chain by ensuring respect for diverse values and work-life balance. These are important management issues, and we will ensure the fairness of our business and promote sustainable growth for the better work environment.
As we approach the 90th and 100th anniversary, we will do our utmost to earn the trust of society and meet everyone’s expectations.
We look forward to your continued understanding and support for the Okamoto Group.
Sincerely yours,